Friday, May 29, 2009

Noah is 2!

Today my baby boy turned two! I am a little sad to see my last baby grow up but I was so happy to see him so excited about his birthday! We went to the Fort Worth Zoo, which I have to say is the best zoo we have ever been to, so clean and nice and cool even in the summertime. Anyways, Noah loves animals so we thought the zoo would be great for his birthday and he absolutely loved it! He said his favorite were the elephants, which ha wanted to ride sooo badly :) Here are some pictures that chronical our fun and exhausting day at the zoo.....


  1. can't believe baby noah turned 2! looks like a great time at the zoo! you know Oklahoma city has a really good zoo too!!! and I get free passes from work.... I'm just saying :)

  2. Hi Katie!...I just learned how to do this thing (somewhat - duh). I have been keeping up with yours and Michael's blog and I just love it! I've really enjoyed seeing all the photos of Will and Noah...they are too cute!
    Love to you all!
